Friday, February 10, 2012

Hey Mon, Did I Talk About Jamaica?

I think I forgot to blog about our recent trip to Jamaica. We took three whole pictures. Here's one:

And actually out of the 6 days we were there, this was one of my favorite days. The hike up the falls was amazing.
We had a guide who took us up and because of my pregnant state he held my hand the whole way! By the end of the day he was calling me 'jen jen' and had turned into my new BFF. I trust he didn't want a birth on his hands. So thank you lovely guide for keeping me nice and safe.

The other great day was Sunday, when we went to the LDS Branch in Ocho Rios. There were about 25 Jamaicans in we overwhelmed them a bit with our 25 strong Utah presence, but they handled it well. I LOVED sacrament mtg in Jamaica. In fact, wish I could go to church in Jamaica every Sunday. What an amazing branch they have, full of people who literally sparkle because of the lives they live and the choices they make. My favorite was Karrie Ann (I think Vasa?) who was late twenties, married, w/ 2 adorable babies. Her talk on prayer was amazing, inspiring, heart felt and honest. She is my new hero. Not to mention how awesome it was that she stood at the pulpit completely comfortable in bare feet. Now that's something I want to try.

Anyway. As for Jamaica itself? Uhm. Don't think I'll go back for a revisit vacation. Once is enough. It's pretty, but there are many other beautiful tropical vacation spots that seem safer and not as needy. Driving through the towns made me really sad, just because of the poverty and the drugs. It makes me want to do something to help and also grateful to live in the US.

But don't let me deter you if you have a trip planned. I'm glad I got to have a Jamaican experience.

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