Wednesday, August 29, 2012


So did you hear a slight sigh of relief sometime last week, when all Mothers sent their lovely children off to school?  No?  Well I did.  Loud and clear.  The beginning of school is bittersweet, only in that now I have to do homework again, and figure out ratios of things, and answer questions like, "Where can I find a rolly poley bug for science class?"  That last question I thought was a given...because I see rolly poley bugs all the time.  Except, of course, on the actual day that you really need one.

 It was so nice to send Grace and Spence off to the Junior High together.   I must admit it's because now I have an Informant on my side.  Okay, not really an Informant, but Grace is SO much better at telling me what's going on at school/on the bus/at lunch than Spencer.  Now I think I'll finally get some real information.  I love girls for many reasons, but that is by far one of my favorites...they talk, a lot.
And Sophie went off to elementary school by herself, but clearly she doesn't look too upset by the notion.  She LOVES her teacher, and her friends, and her class, and her homework, and her new school clothes.  Right now, life is really good for our Sophie.  Yay.  So glad someone is happy.  Actually, Grace is happy too.  It's only you-know-who who has to complain that he has the WORST math teacher, and the WORST locker, and the WORST lunch on B Day, etc. etc.  What does that boy like about school?  Uhm.  Lunch (on A Day).  The library.  Art class.  And being a Peer Tutor.  Well, that's a start.

But the best part now is that I can actually clean my house.  Wait, did I just write that sentence?  That's the best part?  If that's the best part then I'm pretty pathetic.  But actually, my house has not been truly clean since Summer began, so it will be nice to get things clean and organized, but I must think of something better than that. 

The best part of school back in session?  The quiet.  Now sometimes it's actually quiet around here (aside from the fact that I do have a 4 year-old and a new baby).  I am a fan, of quiet and of school.  God Bless School!!!

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