Sunday, February 21, 2010


Have you ever just had one of those days when you were HUNGRY? Not just: hmmm, I think I'd like a little nibble of something. Not: I might like to share a dessert with my husband after dinner. No. Nothing like that.

I mean serious HUNGER.

Like: I want to eat this entire ice-box cake by myself, with no helpers, no sharers. Me. Only me.


I may have felt that way on occasion...

Like, NOW.

I have been on this 11 day diet thing for 7 days. Today is day 7. And people, I am HUNGRY! And I'm supposed to be writing my book, but all I have been doing is surfing through my favorite cooking blogs noting recipes I will try once I can actually eat 5 days. Actually. On my birthday. So people, this is the birthday cake I want. Doesn't it look divine?

If you too are HUNGRY...check out the Smitten Kitchen and I guarantee you will find something that will satisfy. No calorie counters, fiber percentages, fat caloric notes in sight. This is a serious cooking blog that creates food that will satisfy.

And tell me what you ate. I'm totally into living vicariously through other happy eaters. Yesterday I made Adam tell me in detail what he had for lunch at The Olive Garden.


Char said...

I know how you feel because I have been on that 11 day diet. You don't need to diet - you are beautiful just the way you are. I hope you meet your goal by your bday.

Toby said...

You crack me up Jen! Just because of your request - we had a full on turkey dinner tonight (had to use that free turkey from Maceys from Thanksgiving). PLUS 3 scoops of ice cream because we were all reverent at church (nobody lost any scoops today).

Soon enough my friend you will be snarfing up a double double - animal style :)

The Harker's said...

Love this post, especially because I am always trying to not eat at night after dinner, and ALWAYS find myself watching foodnetwork or finding yummy recipes online I want to try "someday". I guess we like torturing ourselves.:) But I agree with your mom, even though I haven't actually "seen" you for a little while. Also, made an oreo dessert for dinner and had garlic mashed potatoes.:) Why does food have to look so delicious?! Especially when trying to be "good".

Carrie said...

WHat is this 11 day diet..?....Does not sound fun! You NEED that cake! Let the countdown begin!

The Peach.... said...

aaahhh...sad!!! I hate to hear you are hungry, that is not ok! You love food as much as I do! I can't diet, it is physically impossible for me.
OK, what did I have for dinner? Noodles and Co. penna rosa with parmesan chicken. Yum. And Baskin Robbins afterwards.
PS.....Um, you are a freakin' beauty queen, WHY ARE YOU DIETING?

The Piepers said...

Oh man. I just spent almost an hour browsing an printing out recipes (pictures included, of course) from smitten kitchen! Thanks for sharing. And I definitely would have eaten the amazing lemon cake as well. :)