Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What to be for Halloween

Sigh. What to be for Halloween.

This has been a MAJOR discussion at our house as of late. Sophie is full of questions. "Mom, if I'm the Kimono Princess, do I get to have the fan AND the parasol?" "Mom, can I be the Grecian Goddess?" "Do you think the Gypsy's cute?" "Do we have forty dollars?" "Mom, are you ignoring me?"

Yes to ALL of those questions.

All the while I'm trying to convince her to be Dorothy...or Daphne...or a Flamingo..(all the costumes we all ready have). But no dice.

We will not be deciding until the very week of Halloween, because of all the decisions that get changed from minute to minute. But really, if I had the chance to decide what I'd be right now. Anything at all...well, it's tough. I'd like to be a cross between Martha Stewart, Jack Johnson, J.K.Rowling, Heidi Klum, Julie Beck, Mother Theresa and Super Mom. So, don't make me choose.

"Mom. Are you listening?" S asks.

"Yes. Tell me again about the pirate costume my dear Soph."

1 comment:

Bernice Madsen said...

Oh, so much fun! We just got Jaxon's costume...he's going to be a pumpkin. :o) Still trying to figure out something for Jack and I though since we actually need to dress up for a party this year. Any ideas? :o)