To all of you with two-year-olds, I say bless you. I am one of those fortunate few...and yes it is mostly delicious to be a mother of a wonderous, inquisitive,and determined child.
Today. Well, yesterday too. I just wonder...
So I have this cream. This very expensive eye cream that I keep in a very special place, for my very special 37-year-old wrinkly eyes...(pathetic, huh?) And I relish this cream. And I love it because when I put it on it makes me feel like the magic is working, smoothing out my getting-wrinklier-by-the-day-undereyes.
And today Lucy found it.
And now it is no more. Spread all over her hands and the counter and smeared all over terracotta tiles which do not particularly enjoy magic-making-eye-cream. For the tiles, it's just something greasy to clean up. My under-eye area was very sad. And so am I.
Oooohhh... So very sad....
Ohhhhh....that stinker! Wes also loves to play in ALL things expensive and he is turning out to cost me a lot of money....
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