Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You might be a redneck if...your ward has a Ward Rodeo

This past weekend our ward held an old traditional rodeo. We had sooo much fun. The night before we had a square dance and line dancing, along with a cakewalk and a hayride. We could not drag Sophie off the hayride. She even sat on the truck when it wasn't going.

The next day we had a fun run, a parade, old fashioned carnival games and an old time fair. Spence entered his Star Wars lego creations (and then sat and guarded it almost the whole time), Grace displayed two skirts she made with Grandma Char and her American Girl Doll modeling one (which was kidnapped by a four-year-old, and AW rescued her...thank goodness), and Sophie made cupcakes (of course!). They all won ribbons and were very happy.

Then they held a real hometown-get-down-on-the-ground-rodeo. Our second counselor got bucked off Queenie, (the oldest and nearly dead horse) and broke 4 ribs! Ouch! Grace did the Mutton Busten, and rode that ferocious sheep for quite a while, until she got thrown off and trampled. She said it was, and I quote, "the worst day of my life getting kicked in the head by a sheep." Seriously, it was good fun.

Adam was the MC for the dance and the rodeo and told a plethora of redneck jokes...like:
1. You might be a redneck if you've been married three times and still have the same in-laws. OR
2. You might be a redneck if your family tree has no forks in it.
3. You might be a redneck if you go to your family reunion looking for a date.

Any others? AW had a whole list.


Kim said...

I love it, Jen! It sounds like you all had such a good time. I wish they would do something like that around here. It would be so much fun. You might be a redneck if you get trampled by a sheep. :)

Jack Madsen III said...

You are ALL getting to old to fast!

Terresa Tew said...

Love your blog...it gets cuter and cuter each time I see it. Looks like you've been having fun around your house. Cute pics and kiddos!

Mike said...

Adam and Jen,
What's up guys?! Jennie finally just setup a Dildine family blog and she had your link on there. It was fun to see what's going on with you guys. Your kids have gotten huge!! We need to hook up with you guys the next time we're in Utah. Check out our blog at dildinefamily.blogspot.com

Cari @ MamaOlogy said...

SUPER CUTE BLOG! Don't ask me how I came across it though HA! I book marked it last month because I wanted to come back and comment.
What a FUN ward activity!! My husband is a bullrider. He would be all over something like this. We live in a ward where it's possible too. Hmmmmm.....now you have my wheels turnin'.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that you have an adorable family and cute blog. I've enjoyed visiting. :)